Hi - I'm Logan and this is my rescue story!
I am a 3 year old Staffordshire Bull Terrier and I met the team at Hopeful Hounds in December 2023. My previous owner needed to rehome me as they weren't able to cater for my medical and behavioral needs and so they wanted me to find a home who would be more able to give me the support I needed.
My only issue was that when I get stressed, I don't really know how to deal with it and so I started to do an obsessive behavior where I would chase my tail and this then led to me catching my own tail and then biting it. I would often end up hurting myself and my owners weren't able to manage me and stop me from doing this. Back in January 2023, after I had hurt my tail quite badly, my vets recommended amputating half of it to try and stop me from being able to hurt myself again. Unfortunately, I was still able to get to my tail and as my owner wasn't able to manage me well, I kept getting to my tail and hurting myself again and again.
I came to Hopeful Hounds in January 2024 to begin my rescue journey and my owner had said I had gotten to my tail again and hurt myself just before I cam so it was bandaged to try and help it heal. When the Hopeful Hounds team tried to change my bandage, I told them I was not happy and it was sore and so they took me to their lovely vets so they could have a proper look at me. I was sedated so I didn't get stressed and the team had a good look at my tail and cleaned it all up. Sadly, my tail was not in good condition and was infected, painful and suffering from some damage. The vets did their best to clean it all up but were worried it wouldn't heal on it's own and so told the team at Hopeful Hounds I may need further amputation but that would depend on how the tail healed and if it didn't heal well, I may have to be put to sleep. The Hopeful Hounds team were determined to get me the help I needed to find me a new home and so we started a very strict rehab plan together to try and get my tail healing and give me a chance at a new life.
I got some medicine to help me to not be in so much pain and to manage the infection and was regularly seen by my vet and by Tony the Osteopath from Zoo Ost Ltd for laser therapy to help to regenerate the skin on my tail. We were also kindly gifted a Photizo LED light therapy unit for us to use regularly at home to also help to try and get my tail to heal and slowly we started to see some progress with my tail getting all scabby and dried out as we started the process of healing me.
Here I am on some of my vet visits and getting some laser treatment from Tony!
Whilst back at the rescue, I had to have the cone of shame on and be in my crate anytime I wasn't being fully supervised to stop me from being able to get to my tail.I didn't mind because I was very tired when I first came to them and needed lot's of sleep whilst my body recovered and started to heal. The team made sure I got lots of time with them to make sure I couldn't hurt myself again and to give my tail a chance to heal properly so I could get better! I also started going on regular walks with some of the team and their dogs which I loved! I wasn't really getting walked before and I wasn't helping with my stress so I really enjoyed going for walks, getting to play tug of war and spending time with some of the teams dogs as I really am a friendly boy and really enjoy being social!
Here I am making friends and enjoying my walks!
After just a couple of weeks of strict management, walks and training, my tail had fully scabbed over and they were then starting to fall off and show some healed and healthy skin underneath which everyone was really excited about! The team have said they aren't going to post any photo's of it (even though they have loads!) as they were a little gross to look at and not everyone is a fan of that kind of stuff but the team did say they were very pleased when it started healing and wasn't looking so gross! The vets were really impressed with how well my tail had healed after just a week when they saw me again and so we decided to continue as planned to see how much my little tail could heal after another few weeks and see whether I would need further amputation or not.
During these first few weeks, I also had 3 families interested in me! I mean it's not surprising, I am a handsome and adorable young man! One of which was a lovely young lady the Hopeful Hounds team already knew who was a dog walker and I met her and her partner during my second week at Hopeful Hounds and it was love at first sight! They both loved me (obviously!) and were invested in helping me to get better so they could adopt me when I was ready and so I quickly became officially reserved!
The Hopeful Hounds team discussed with my new family what the plan was moving forward as they didn't want to rehome me whilst my tail was still healing and so we agreed for me to be on reserve to them with the plan that once I was given the all clear from the vets and was ready for the change, I would be rehomed to them! We knew this wasn't going to be a quick rehoming as I still had a way to go to get all healed up and ready for my new home but everyone was on board with getting me all better and going to the home I deserved so my new family kept in touch and even came to take me for walks whilst I was still at Hopeful Hounds so we could all get to know each other and they could see how I was doing.
Well I was given the all clear by the vets at the end of January after my tail was almost fully healed and the Hopeful Hounds team were so pleased that I was out of the woods and almost ready to go to my forever home! To make sure I didn't end up hurting myself again, the team wanted me to stay with them for another month so they could do a good amount of training with me to stop me from trying to get to my tail in preparation for me going to my new home. I started getting supervised time without a cone on both in and out of my crate and the team did some training with me so if I did try to get to my tail they could stop me and teach me something else to do instead. I took to the training really well and started having my cone off regularly during the day whilst one of the team was able to keep an eye on me in case I needed help. I didn't need it much though and now my tail wasn't hurting and I was getting exercise, stimulation and attention from the team and the other dogs I was living with, I was much happier and not so bothered about trying to get to my tail!
Here I am getting time without my cone off and enjoying life!
The team are so impressed with how well I have been doing and my potential new owners have been coming to see me and spend time with me during my stay and I adore them! The Hopeful Hounds team have agreed that I can officially go out on trial to my potential new forever home as of the first weekend in March which is only a few weeks away and I can't wait to start my new life with them!
The team will keep everyone updated but they are certain this is my perfect home and that I will be adopted by new new family soon! Keep your fingers crossed and we'll let you know how I get on once i'm out on trial and with my new forever family!