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Get Involved

If you're looking to help, there are lots of ways you can support our rescue program below!


Any donations, no matter how big or small are all greatly appreciated! These donations help us to pay for vet care, ongoing expenses like food and allows us to help more dogs.


We are currently working to open up an account for the rescue so we can accept donations so please bear with us.


Buy our dogs a gift!

Bank details:
Account name: Hopeful Hounds
Account number: 44390836
Sort code: 60-83-71

Sponsor a friend

Support Us

Financial contributions aren't the only way you can help!


Although we currently don't have a base to welcome volunteers, we do often need help on fundraising events or with the occasional dog walking. If you'd like to help, please get in touch with our team and we'll be happy to advise what we have available.

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